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Book a Tour Here – Aitutaki

Fantastic that you are joining us and the whales in one of our exotic and stunningly beautiful destinations on the amazing Planet Earth!

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Aitutaki Humpback Tours

I would like to book a tour:

2025 Tours

No. travelling together:

Bungalow Types:

Type of bed configuration:


First Name (& Second Initial):

Surname: (as per your passport):

I like to be called?

Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr.

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):

Other travellers details. Please include: Full Name, Date of Birth, Passport Number and Expiry Date.

Emergency Contact Name of Family/Friend:

Emergency Contact Email & phone of Family/Friend:

Home Address:

City / Town:




Home Telephone:


'Messenger' User Name:

'WhatsApp' and 'Number' Name:

Passport Number:


Country of Birth:

Country of Birth:

Passport Date of Issue (dd/mm/yyyy):

Passport Expiry Date (dd/mm/yyyy):

Where did you hear about us:

Other information you would like to tell us about:

Terms & Conditions of Booking a WhaleSwim Adventures Tour:

  1. Online 'Book your Tour' reservations will be held for 14 days. The non-refundable deposit of AUD$2,000.00 is required within 14 days to confirm a reservation.
  2. All payments to be paid in Australian Dollars only, the second payment of 30% of your total tour cost is due on various date prior to & after 1 May (see your confirmation email) and payment in full is to be paid 70 days prior to your WhaleSwim Adventure.
    All payments are non-refundable unless the space/s cancelled are filled before the tour date.
  3. All payments are non-refundable. However, if we are able to fill the space/s with a new guests’ booking, we will refund your money paid, less an admin fee of $100 per person.
  4. Deposits paid to us are paid to our suppliers in Aitutaki to hold your accommodation and space on our boat, however they are non-refundable after 1 February of the same year of your tour.
  5. A Liability Waiver must be signed by each guest and should be signed at the time of booking & uploaded onto your Aqua Abilities page in your online booking within 14 days of booking your WhaleSwim Adventure tour.
  6. Re-scheduling and substitution of guests is permitted with approval of WhaleSwim Adventures.
  7. Travel insurance is mandatory for all our WhaleSwim Adventures guests and should be taken out at the time of booking your WhaleSwim Adventures tour. Your travel insurance must provide cover against cover against illness, injury etc that may force you to cancel prior to your tour, personal accident, death, medical expenses and emergency repatriation with a recommended minimum coverage of US$200,000 for each of the categories of cover. It must also cover trip and flight changes & cancellation. We also strongly recommend it also covers curtailment, personal liability and loss of luggage and personal effects. You must provide WhaleSwim Adventures with proof of your travel insurance and upload it on your Aqua Abilities page in your online booking, within 14 days of booking your tour; you will not be able to join the tour without it.
  8. All rates and conditions are subject to change.
  9. If payments are not received at the designated times, WhaleSwim Adventures Ltd, reserves the right to sell those spaces in question with forfeiture of all monies to date.
  10. The booking is binding and all payments after 1 Feb of the year of your tour, are non-refundable.
  11. Prices may change due to; * currency fluctuations or suppliers increasing rates after the tours have been published on the website, even after payment is made in full, clients will have to pay the additional cost. * schedule or content changes * circumstances beyond the control of WhaleSwim Adventures.
  12. These are ecological holidays, WhaleSwim Adventures Ltd reserves the right to ask any participants to leave the group should he/she behave in a way that is insensitive to the whales, the environment, local people, our WhaleSwim team, crew or other group members or continually not follow the WhaleSwim Guides directions in the water with the whales, WhaleSwim Adventures staff and management also reserve the right to move those guests to other accommodation at the guests expense. No refund will be given.
  13. If the WhaleSwim Adventures Tour Leader and/or the licensed whale-watching guide is not satisfied with your fitness, agility and snorkelling ability, they have the right to refuse you entry to the water with the whales as your lack of ability may endanger yours and the lives of others.
  14. Please read Aquatic Abilities (Experience Required section)
    Aitutaki: Aitutaki:
  15. Drones are ONLY permitted to be used by an experienced flyer and with special permission from the skipper
  16. Smoking is NOT permitted on our whale-swim vessels.
  17. Selfie poles for Go-Pro cameras are not permitted on our tours – only the short ‘floating handgrip’ handle.
  18. Free-diving/duck-diving down to the whales is not permitted on our tours unless you are an experienced free-diver, then only with our skipper or Tour Guide's permission, when appropriate.
  19. Physically touching the whales, is prohibited on WhaleSwim tours.
  20. In the event of cancellation of a whale-watching 1/2-day due to bad weather, we will do our best to add another 1/2-day for you.
  21. Children/teenagers under 18 years old are not accepted on our tours, unless the 10 spaces on a tour are booked for a personal group.
  22. If the minimum bookings of 8 people on our 10-person tours is not reached 60 days prior to departure of each expedition, WhaleSwim Adventures Ltd has the right to cancel the expedition and transfer guests to another expedition. Any airfares booked/changed and paid for by the guest should be covered by their travel insurance.
  23. WhaleSwim tours cannot be booked via a Travel agent, they can only be booked directly with WhaleSwim Adventures. If a travel agent books on behalf, they may charge you their commission at their own discretion.

I accept the terms and conditions shown above.

Our Aitutaki tours are priced in US dollars ONLY(See Currency Converter at the bottom of this page)

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